Worried about your child’s happiness? We're right there with you….😬 What if you flip your focus to kindness and character?💡Guess what happens? Hint: 😁
You have probably heard something along the lines of… the key to making a positive change is to turn a desired action into a habit. This one is not just for the grownups. Did you know that the habits most ingrained in us are developed by age 9? 🧩
Meet Danielle LaBriola, 👋 Author and Developer of @crafting_character! Dani created this system when she realized she was NOT nailing it with her parenting. Loads of research later, she figured out the key to raising good, solid humans that are kind, happy and ready to crush it! 🌟 Learn more about Dani and her journey to Crafting Character in our stories!
Looking for a way to encourage your kids to be more giving? Use birthdays and holidays as an opportunity to donate a few toys or books to make room for new gifts. 🎁 Let your child pick the toys and talk about what kind of fun adventures another kid could have with them. 💭
Rather than focusing inward on their own needs, help your kids to focus outward on others! ✔️ Call Grandma and Grandpa to say hello 👋 ✔️ Leave a sweet note under Dad's pillow 📝 ✔️ Take the time to give their sibling a pep talk ❤️ What happens to your child's mood when they do something kind?